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Kent is a county of many faiths. Only a small part of this is represented here, but as we develop the site we hope to tell more of these stories.
Rev. Hugh Price Hughes
Rev. Hugh Price Hughes

Reverend Hugh Price Hughes, Wesleyan minister and religious reformer, was appointed to the Dover Methodist circuit in 1869. Aged twenty-two and fresh from Richmond Theological College, the ‘pale bespectacled’ young man was to become a key figure in the Dover temperance movement.
Joseph Pyke
Joseph Pyke

Silversmith and later Warden of the Central Synogogue, Joseph Pyke was involved in the establishment of a Mechanics Institute in Chatham.
Archibald Campbell Tait
Archibald Campbell Tait

Archbishop of Canterbury from 1868–1882, Archibald Campbell Tait liked to relax at his marine residence at Stonehouse, St Peter’s, Thanet.
The Hidden Gems of Parochial Kent
The Hidden Gems of Parochial Kent

Kent is not only the garden of England, it is also the first landing site of Christianity in Britain. St Augustine began his mission to convert the Britons to Christianity in Canterbury. Read about some of the delightful churches in the county.
Jewish Emancipation
Jewish Emancipation

Rochester and Chatham were pioneers of Jewish Emancipation. In 1835, following the Municipal Corporation Act, the city of Rochester, probably the only municipal body in the country, removed the requirement of the clause ‘On the true faith of a Christian’, ultimately paving way for non-Christians to take office.