ve-header title="The Garden of England" background=gh:kent-map/images/gardenofeng/nrseasalter .sticky

Famed for its cherries, hops and fruit, organic farming, and the modern day greenhouses of Thanet Earth.



John Boys

John Boys

John Boys, agriculturalist, was well known for his breed of South Down sheep.

Walter James, Fourth Lord Northbourne

Walter James, Fourth Lord Northbourne

Inventor of Organic Farming.

S.C. Nethersole

S.C. Nethersole

Writer of stories of rural life in East Kent.

John Tradescant

John Tradescant

Botanist and gardener, John Tradescant the Younger was born at Meopham and educated at the King’s School, Canterbury.

Hop and Fruit Picking in the 20th century

Hop and Fruit Picking in the 20th century

Traditionally London families helped with the hop harvest as a ‘paid holiday’, while other ‘travellers’ followed the seasons and the various fruit harvests.

Brogdale National Fruit Collection

Brogdale National Fruit Collection

The National Fruit Collection has been sited at Brogdale near Faversham since 1951.